Why MSK Aware?
Musculoskeletal (MSK) problems such as back pain, arthritis, sprains and strains are the most common problem in the workplace and are one of the commonest causes of absence from work. MSK problems affect our bones and joints, they cause pain and reduce dexterity and mobility. This limits people’s ability to work and impacts the productivity of businesses, both large and small. Despite this, many individuals and businesses are not aware of how they can help themselves and others. MSK Aware aims to help you address this.

What is MSK Aware?
MSK Aware is a workplace programme that supports the needs of employers and employees to prevent workloss by creating healthier, safer and supportive workplaces that can prevent, and manage, MSK conditions effectively. It goes beyond just addressing the risks of injury. It takes a proactive holistic approach with an emphasis on prevention, the promotion of good MSK health, and on supporting those with existing MSK problems.

We all need to Be MSK Aware – are you? Are you being proactive and taking actions to promote MSK health, prevent MSK problems arising in the workplace and supporting those with MSK problems to stay in work?
First recognise MSK health is important to you and your organisation.
Then see the key actions that employers and workers can take to Be MSK Aware and to protect, promote and support MSK health in the workplace which have been identified by experts in MSK health, health and safety, public health, occupational health and HR, including OHID (PHE), HSE and RoSPA, along with employers and employees from businesses large and small.
The MSK Aware approach
The guiding principle of MSK Aware is to “help people help themselves”. Enabling employers and employees to identify any problems with MSK health in their workplace and providing them with holistic solutions and resources that are based on need, evidence and best practice.
Through this website we provide a general approach to supporting MSK health that can be followed by employers or employees, but bespoke solutions can be developed based on the specific needs of your workplace and employees by contacting info@mskaware.org